Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision:-

Leadership in providing charitable and development services through a group of effective programs and projects.

 Our Message:-

Serving the community by implementing educational, health, water, and livelihood programs and projects using the best means and in partnership with local and external entities.

Our Values:-

Partnership – Sustainability – Transparency and Accountability – Humanity – Justice and Equality

 Our Goals:-

  1. Caring for poor families and orphans and providing empowerment projects for them.
  2. Working to alleviate the suffering of families who need help and assistance in various fields.
  3. Implementing health and educational projects and enhancing integration in services for people with special needs.
  4. Partnership with local, Arab and international bodies to implement programs aimed at achieving the public interest
  5. Working to enhance the role of women, empower them, and create cultural and educational awareness for them.